
About O.G. Oil & Gas

Posted on 25 October 2017

Information about O.G. Oil & Gas, and about why it is making its offer, is available here

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Extension of OGOG takeover offer.

Posted on 25 October 2017

OGOG has extended its takeover offer to 9 December 2017


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Offer Document and Target Company Statement Released

Posted on 11 October 2017

O.G. Oil & Gas Offer Released with New Zealand Oil & Gas Target Company Statement
OGOG has released its offer document, which will be mailed to shareholders early next week.

New Zealand Oil & Gas has released its target company statement, unanimously recommending that shareholders accept OGOG’s offer.

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Posted on 9 October 2017

O.G. Oil and Gas (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (‘‘OGOG’’) is pleased to announce that it has agreed to increase the price it will offer to shareholders of New Zealand Oil & Gas Limited under its partial takeover offer for up to 67.55% of the New Zealand Oil & Gas shares that it does not already hold or control.  

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Posted on 21 September 2017

The same advisers who assisted the independent response committee of New Zealand Oil & Gas to respond to a partial takeover offer from Zeta Energy have been retained to assist with the response to a proposed new offer, from O.G. Oil & Gas.

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Receipt of takeover notice – take no further action

Posted on 18 September 2017

New Zealand Oil & Gas has today received notice under rule 41 of the Takeovers Code from O.G. Oil & Gas (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. of its intention to make a partial takeover offer to acquire 67.55% of each class of the shares in New Zealand Oil & Gas it does not already hold or control, for NZ$0.77 per share.



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Annual report, restated financial statements

Posted by Default Admin on 15 September 2017

The New Zealand Oil & Gas annual report is released today with a restatement of the Financial Statements to update Note 9(c) in relation to imputation credits.


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Target Company Statement Released

Posted in Shareholders; Posted on 15 September 2017

Independent Directors confirm their recommendation to reject Zeta's partial offer
The Target Company Statement prepared by New Zealand Oil & Gas in response to the partial offer by Zeta Energy Pte Limited is attached.    The Statement has been prepared in accordance with the Takeovers Code, and will be sent to New Zealand Oil & Gas shareholders shortly, and in any event on or before 22 September 2017.

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Posted on 11 September 2017

TAKE NO ACTION  ON THE ZETA OFFER. New Zealand Oil & Gas has indications of a  superior offer from O.G. Oil & Gas Limited.

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Takeover offer

Posted on 8 September 2017

The Board recommends that NZO shareholders TAKE NO ACTION on an offer from Zeta until further guidance is received from the Board.

An indicative non-binding proposal to acquire control of New Zealand Oil & Gas has been received from O.G. Oil & Gas Limited.

Read the OG Oil & Gas letter here.

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