
Annual Result

Posted on 29 August 2017

  • NPAT $52.6 million
  • NPAT attributable to shareholders: $62.7 million.
  • Dividend of 4cps, fully imputed.

New Zealand Oil & Gas has recorded a net profit after tax of $52.6 million.

Net profit after tax attributable to shareholders of the group was $62.7 million. 

Last year the company recorded a loss of $51.8 million.

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Receipt of Takeover Notice

Posted in Shareholders; Posted on 10 August 2017

Pursuant to rule 42 of the Takeovers Code Approval Order 2000 (the Code), New Zealand
Oil & Gas Limited (NZX: NZO) gives notice that it has today received notice under rule 41 of the Code (Takeover Notice) from Zeta Energy Pte Limited (Zeta) of Zeta’s intention to make a partial takeover offer under the Code to acquire an additional 41.955% of each class of the shares in NZO not currently held or controlled by Zeta. If successful, the offer would result in Zeta holding or controlling no less than 50.01% of the voting rights in NZO.

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Employee Share Option Securities

Posted on 20 July 2017

The date when some partly-paid shares in the New Zealand Oil & Gas employee share ownership plan can be exercised has been brought forward.

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Annual Meeting

Posted on 19 July 2017

The Annual Meeting of New Zealand Oil & Gas shareholders will be held at 10.00AM on Monday, 30 October 2017 at Te Wharewaka Function Centre, Odlins Square, 109 Jervois Quay,  Wellington.



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Kupe Sale and Purchase Agreement Signed

Posted on 6 July 2017

A sale and purchase agreement has today been signed by New Zealand Oil & Gas and Mitsui E&P Australia for Mitsui's 4 per cent interest in the Kupe gas and light oil field.

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New Zealand Oil & Gas buys Mitsui’s 4% of Kupe For $35m

Posted on 18 May 2017

- Quality investment appropriate to NZO’s current scale and appetite for sensibly diversified risk.

- Rights within the joint venture.

- Ongoing income from a well-understood, high-quality asset.


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Capital return final court orders received

Posted on 28 April 2017

New Zealand Oil & Gas has received final High Court orders approving a return of capital by way of a scheme of arrangement under Part 15 of the Companies Act 1993.

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Inland Revenue binding ruling on Scheme of Arrangement

Posted on 18 April 2017

A favourable ruling has been received from Inland Revenue on a scheme of arrangement that, if approved by the court, will return $100 million of capital to ordinary shareholders of New Zealand Oil & Gas.

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Special meeting – Updated voting results

Posted on 13 April 2017

A special meeting of New Zealand Oil & Gas shareholders yesterday voted on the following resolution:

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Shareholders Approve Scheme of Arrangement

Posted on 12 April 2017

A resolution approving a $100m return of capital was passed by a resounding majority at a special meeting of New Zealand Oil & Gas shareholders held at 10am this morning.

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